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枸杞子提取物含有豐富的枸杞多醣、維生素E...等高抗氧化物質,減輕自由基過氧化損傷.當中成份更有極高美白作用, 改善暗啞膚質, 延緩衰老。適用於任何皮膚,特別是暗啞皮膚


用法 : 潔面後, 可直接塗於臉上, 並輕拍至吸收,随後可配合使用蘆薈高效保濕霜或緊緻膠原蛋白霜, 效果更佳。


Rouge palm extract accelerates wound healing, stimulates skin metabolism, and is highly resistant to oxidation. also, can promote the proliferation and regeneration of normal human fibroblasts, treat various skin problems, and bring new experiences to sensitive skin.

Usage: Apply one to two drops on desired areas of the face.

枸杞子精華素 Goji Serum

  • 主要成份 : 枸杞子提取物、玫瑰纯露、熊果苷提取物

    主要功效 : 嫩白皮膚、減淡色斑、抑制黑色素

    Main Ingredients: Rouge palm extract, Chamomile extract, Pine stalk extract, Cape Jasmine fruit extract

    Key Features: Help amplify skin hyaluronic acid levels / Cells repair /Dehydrated skin to help smooth

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